These days almost all code is written on Github. My handle is glasserc. I'm fortunate in that during my time at Mozilla, a lot of my work touched on open source projects, so what's there should give you a good sense of who I am as a developer. Stuff from previous employers is generally not available.
For a while I did Project Euler questions for fun. I got up to problem 50. The solutions are available here; they may give you a good feel for how I write code "in the small". Additionally, here are a couple random standalone programs I wrote: fixing my EXIF tags; why Vala is not my favorite programming language.
Here are some open-source projects I have worked on professionally.
- kinto: fixing re-entrancy and scalability issues (#1436, #1406, #1228 and #1235)
- kinto.js: ongoing maintenance; ensuring correct behavior in the case of client-side encryption
- kinto-http.js: ongoing maintenance; cleanups (see e.g. #180) and fixing test failures (such as #214)
- canteven-log: added support for monad-logger and harmonized formats across hslogger and monad-logger
- canteven-snap: lift all exported functions from Snap a to MonadSnap m => m a
- eureka-client: initial implementation. Unfortunately this library is somewhat confusing and underdocumented, like the service it's designed to communicate with.
- canteven-listen-http: implementation
In addition to actually writing software, I consider it important to share knowledge and experience with other developers and the wider software community. Some samples are here on my website.
At SumAll, I wrote a few pieces for the engineering blog they were starting. It's down now, but you can still find the text at least in the Wayback machine. In particular I believe the topmost article, "How do you review PRs?" highlights my ability to focus with meticulous detail on process or workflow issues.
Patches/bug fixes
Back when I was writing my first resume, it wasn't possible to just go to someone's Github page and see a chronological list of all the open source contributions they had made. To make it easier to find my work, I compiled this list of my most notable open source contributions. It's mostly been superseded these days, plus some of these contributions are 10+ years old and so don't have quite as much relevance as they did, but you may find it helpful especially for those contributions which (even today) are not on Github.
- Free the results of scandir, v2, v3.
- RFC: modular message store code (followed a few months later by RFC: modular mail stores based on URIs + part 2, and then revised again in
- IDLE support. This is not as much a technical accomplishment as it seems; this is mostly based on work by James Bunton, and I think IDLE support in offlineimap is still a little unstable.
weird gwibber/curl/gnutls bug: on Launchpad, my eventual diagnosis
- compiling against new ODE requires dInitODE()
- rename __new__ to __cinit__ for new Pyrex version
- add support for LMotor
- rename CCylinder to Capsule
- add support for Cylinder
- various cleanups
- add preliminary support for Heightfield
I was granted commit access in June 2007.